Autism One Radio Logo
      Tuesday, February 18, 2025,  2:29 AM Eastern
Family and Home Health
Programs to synthesize the knowledge of science, anecdotal and empirical evidence into practical, useable answers. Many of the hosts are mothers whose children have improved dramatically, some recovered. The lessons lived and learned include topics as diverse and far-reaching as the hosts themselves. Learn about everything from nutrition to IEPs to special diets to organic foods to safe products to selecting practitioners, as the real experts gently and intelligently guide you to become your child's most effective caregiver and healer. 

Teri Arranga : Autism: Help, Hope, and Healing
Features engaging interviews with doctors, researchers, and parents offering the timeliest insights to helpful biomedical treatments. Programs alternate between doctors and researchers presenting treatments followed by a program where parents and patients report their experience.
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Rhondas pic Rhonda Brunett: Unlocking the Door to Autism
Unlocking the Door to Autism is a down to earth program that will cover many facets of Autism. Because understanding can help to diminish fears and frustrations and give solace and hope, the program will feature frank discussions with educators, health care professionals and parents of Autistic children. Topics will offer insight and will expose some of the myths and mysteries that that often occur when there is no one to talk to or no one to relate to.  The goal to Unlocking the Door to Autism is to open the doors to encouragement, support and education.
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Sam Debold : Jam with Sam!
He wowed you at the Autism One 2009 Conference, now hear piano virtuoso Samuel Debold joyfully share his delightful talent.  Sam will play many of his favorite selections.
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Barbara Fischkin : Maverick Mama
Maverick Mama, a.k.a. Barbara Fischkin, a nationally prominent journalist, novelist and nonfiction author, draws on her signature edginess to present a show of news, views, commentary and activism from the parents' point of view. Maverick Mama is for parents and siblings of individuals with autism - and for anyone else who needs to know about the family perspective, including educators, therapists and friends. Feedback greatly appreciated, by e-mail to, particularly from individuals with autism. Fischkin, whose son, Daniel Mulvaney, 19, is afflicted with severe autism, also discusses her family'sstrategies for "survival" - Interviews included. Regular features of the program:

Maverick Mama in Motion: Initiatives for change.
Jack and Friends: A sibling's point of view.
Meltdown Mama: Events we'd rather forget but should remember.
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Shauna Layton : WE Are Together In Autism
As a parent, activist, advocate, and founder of Together In Autism (T.I.A), Shauna’s focus will be on speeding the process from diagnosis to being informed, staying informed, raising awareness, connecting families, allowing them to share experiences, and helping those with autism thrive. All topics are all on the table: Vaccine & Environmental Toxins, Injuries, Biomedical Treatments, Naturopathy, Homeopathy, Supplements, Therapies, Schooling/Homeschooling, Marriage, Greening Our Health, Latest News, Recovery, and much more. Topics will vary while giving autism parents, physicians, and advocates a voice. Emails are welcome for topic ideas, possible interviews, and stories you want to have told. Shauna's mission is not only to inform you and support you, but to give the public a voice through her program. “WE Are Together In Autism.” Visit
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Kerri Rivera : Autismo es Curable! (Autism is Curable!)
Esta serie esta enfocada en intervenciones biomedicas intencionadas para la recuperacion del autismo. Temas tales como dieta, suplementos, terapia ABA, quelacion intravenosa y camara hiperbarica. Las entrevistas se realizaran a personas que actualmente trabajan con ninos con autismo. Los programas seran en espanol.

This series will focus on the use of biomedical interventions intended for recovery from autism. Topics such as diets, supplements, ABA therapy, IV chelation, and hyperbarics will be included. Interviews will be held with people working in autism today.  The series will be in Spanish.
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Chantal Sicile-Kira : The Real World of Autism with Chantal
The Real World covers the reality of everyday life dealing with autism in all its aspects. Interview segments focus on practical issues, discussed with leading experts and community members. Questions from listeners in regards to anything related to autism will be answered in the "Dear Chantal" part of the show. Anecdotes, current events, valuable resources and noteworthy individuals will be covered in the "Travels with Autism" section. Visit Chantal's website here.
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  Chantal Sicile-Kira : The Real World of Autism with Chantal (In French)
Chantal Sicile-Kira:  l'Autisme Vu au Quotidien avec Chantal Sicile-Kira.  L'émission, "l'Autisme Vu au Quotidien", traite des aspects de la vie de tous les jours dans tous les domaines. Extraits d'interview concernant la vie pratique, discussions avec les principaux experts et les acteurs influents du monde de l'autisme.  Questions des auditeurs sur n'importe quel sujet de l'autisme, traitées durant l'émission  Anecdoctes, sujets d'actualité, sources d'information, invités.

Contactez Chantal ,  Allez sur le site de Chantal:
Ruth Snyder, RN:  An Autistic Voice
Ruth will bring insights and information of what it really is like living with autism in a society that does not understand it, and the effects it has on individuals with and without autism.  Interviews will be primarily with adults on the spectrum, but also at "user friendly” places found “safe” in the search for self-advocacy, self-understanding, and, most of all, acceptance of self and society.  Ruth encourages self-advocacy so that the children will know how far they can grow.
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Jack & Rebecca Sytsema : Children of Destiny: Spiritual Strength and Hope for Families Struggling with Autism
If you are the parent of a child with autism, you know the agonizing pain of the shock, grief, distress, and even the hopelessness that can grip your soul.  And in the midst of the dark night, one question burns in our spirits:  Where is God? Within that question lies many others we are often left to ponder:  What future does our child have?  Can God, will God heal them?  And what of the families?  Will we ever get our lives back?  Will our marriage survive?  Will we survive?  This program is dedicated to grappling with these and many other questions, offering strength and hope from a Christian perspective.
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Robert and Sandy Waters : The Candy Store:  Music, Art, Inspiration, and Information 
“The Candy Store” stocks its “shelf” with music, art, inspiration, and information to inspire, educate, and help parents guide their children on the road to recovery, while having some fun along the way.  It will be sweet!
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