Autism One Radio Logo
      Tuesday, February 18, 2025,  2:11 AM Eastern
News / Legal / Advocacy
News, legal, and advocacy programs cover the issues shaping our community; provide answers and a better understanding of legal matters, and offer information promoting positive change. News alerts, interviews with leading lawmakers, and in-depth analysis of breaking news stories will keep you informed, and in touch with the most important ideas as they happen. 

Dr. David L. Holmes : Adults on the Autism Spectrum Today!
This radio show will focus on events that have impact[ed] the lives of individuals and families affected by autism. We will discuss issues that will excite and sometimes incite.  In either event we will not merely discuss what happened but more importantly why it happened or is happening. In the end we will try  to  leave our listeners with a sense of hope for the future and clear direction on how to set a course, going forward, so that adults with autism have choice and opportunities to live fulfilled lives in society today!
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Attorney Jennifer Laviano and Julie Swanson : Your Special Ed Rights with Jen & Julie
Jennifer Laviano and special education advocate and parent Julie Swanson will answer your questions about your rights under the special education process in the United States. Jen and Julie will provide practical advice, strategies, and solutions to the everyday issues you face with your child’s special education. Having represented hundreds of children throughout the special education process, Jen and Julie will blend their individual and professional backgrounds to navigate you through this very complex system.

The format of this show will combine Q & A and hot topics in special education with a particular focus on the educational needs of children with autism spectrum disorders. This show will both educate and entertain you with segments on everything from disability trivia to outrageous examples that violate IDEA, the Indivuals with Disabilities Educaiton Act.

Please visit Jen's website and Julie's website
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    Curt Linderman : Linderman LIVE!
Linderman LIVE! brings the issues that families affected by autism face to a personal level and then pushes the envelope to provoke thought about the “big picture.”  We’ll discuss topics facing mothers, fathers, siblings and the children themselves, as well as issues involving business, government, and media entities that are both friends of the autism community and those that are creating roadblocks.  Linderman LIVE! will discuss the issues with local, national and international “movers and shakers” in the autism community, assessing the latest in what’s going on and where!  Definitely controversial and thought-provoking, Linderman LIVE! will have a passion that those in the autism community will fully be able to appreciate.
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   Rob and Debra Sidell : Autism Global Week in Review
Rob and Debra present and discuss a review of recent and upcoming news, research, and events relevant to ASDs.
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  Polly Tommey : Polly Tommey Presents: Autism File Reports on Autism One Radio
Polly Tommey hosts a weekly thirty-minute interview series from the UK, exploring all facets of parental and professional interest and the emerging initiatives in the international world of autism.

Polly Tommey is the mother of three children of which one son, Billy aged 11, has autism. Polly is also Editor of The Autism File, a leading circulation parental help magazine, and is the Founder of The Autism Trust charity in the UK. Polly is a passionate, expressive and well-known voice of autism.
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